
Look! I'ts Me!!

Look! I'ts Me!!
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Saturday October 20th 2012's posts

First post:
Cliff side  Home

Here Is how to make A simple home with big windows to see far of a cliff.
 chose where  you want the walls of your house to be. use the material you want to use for the kitchen floor to do this. I used glowstone.

 pick a color of wool for your living room carpet. I thought I would use orange. Next mark where you want walls. I put one splitting the living room and the kitchen.

                            ( Notice the pond in the top left corner. it looks like a heart. I did not do that!)

Next make a deck. Decks are REALLY simple to make. you just make a rectangle in front of your door usually 3 by 4 with fence covering half and stairs on one side.

I wanted to change the area at the front too jungle wood. I thgought it looked better.

Biuld up the walls and leave room to put glass for windows.


Next it's pretty obvious. add glass to the windows!
 now it's just a roofless house. where will you sleep?

Here is how I did the kitchen. I made a furnace stove and some shelves on the wall

  Here are some Living room furniture designs to use in any house.

Next we need to put a roof  up. I will show you a simple way to do it.

  First you put slabs up like this.

 And put the roof on! 

Go inside and add a ladder...

I put a bed chair in!
  And some glow stone Lighting.

There we go! a perfect mountain top home!



N8thanH said...

Good job! I should start recommending this to whoever wants to learn how to build fancy homes like the ones we build.