
Look! I'ts Me!!

Look! I'ts Me!!
Friday, 26 October 2012
Just Some Shenanigans...

I woke up this morning and went to play minecraft. I put in my username and password  and hit log in and it said "Would you like to update to 1.4.2?" I hit update and while it was updating I thought "Maybe I should do a blog post on whats new!!" so I created a new world to to test in but...

We!! lets build a under water observatory!!

so I did that...

             ( Use a night vision potion which is a 1.4 feature to see underwater clearly)

After that I made a brewery because N8thanH (my brother) was telling me about this "Make your own potion feature" thingy so I tried but I didn't figure it out. So I went to testing the anvil. The anvil is the new (and stinky) way of repairing tools. Sense it would take too long to mine so much to make 2 low picks I had to try to hurt my self  while wearing  a chest plate. So I tried fall damage on gold armor. It didn't work. So I tried a lava pit. I jumped in and burned. ( It was AWESOME!!! best test ever!) so that got the armor health down. 
   so here is how the anvil works:

You put in a used tool or piece of armor and another of the same tool.

 Or you can put in a piece of its material in if you don't have another matching tool.
 The enchantment cost in the green text is how much xp it will cost to repair. the light brown area is where you can name your tool when you repair it. You can call it anything you want!
Hope you enjoy the 1.4.2 update!!




Tamara H said...

Your blog is looking great! Love how you set it up, and all the funny comments and pics!