
Look! I'ts Me!!

Look! I'ts Me!!
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Firesplash Survival Update

Fire_Cat Here!

On the last post I said I would give an update on the new Firesplash survival map. Well, here it is!
(By the way, if you haven't read my last post, you may want to. It's called firesplash survival tour #1)

First of all, Here are the murder holes:

The inside:

And the Outside:

And now... (Drum roll please!) The basement!!!

Here is a random water pool I ran into while digging. Please post in the comments if you have any Ideas of what to do with it. I am not sure yet.

And now, Stoney the zombie! Here is his new home:
  What a couch potato. He's ALWAYS on his cobblestone bean bag.

We added a water fall to go down to the farming area. 

At the bottom of the water fall, we have a small man made pool and some trees.

Down here is where we will add more farms. And by MORE farms I mean we already built a small wheat farm.


Game Play Screenshots From Yesterday

"Ding-Dong!"  Hello? Come on in! Oh, wait. Stay outside. I'm not home!    
A chicken jumping up and down in my face. Hmmm... Does he like me?

Firesplash Survival Tour #1

Fire_Cat Here!

N8thanH and I stated a new survival world yesterday. We call thhe world Firesplash Survival. Here is a tour of the world so far:

Ok, here is the hidie hole  from the outside...

When you step inside the door of the hidie hole, you see this...

Here are the murder holes...

And the bed corner.

 Now, here is some of the terrain around the hidie hole.

 As you can see, the caves are very active in this world because they are still very dark. In the photo below you can see a creeper sneaking out of a cave.

Now, the tower...
 (N8thanH is adding murder holes to the tower while I am putting up this post, so I will add photos of the finished murder holes later.)

Here it is from the front,

Here is the veiw of when you walk in the front doors:

And when you walk up the stairs:
(N8thanH is chillin'.) 


Eventually we will have farms, caves and much more that I will also give a tour for.

See you on the next post!